
Showing 1–16 of 18 results

  • Anna Apple Tree

    Anna apple trees produce vertically stretched fruit with red skin and crisp, sweet, and juicy flesh. A very delicious and reliable variety for mild winter climates such as Southern Californi...
  • Babcock Peach Tree

    Prunus persica 'babcock' Popular white flesh peach tree, great for mild winter climates like Los Angeles. Sweet and juicy fruits are very delicious. Fragrant and heavy producer. Beautiful pink color Spring Blossoms, and Summer fruit harvests. Low ...
  • Bonita Peach Tree

    The Bonita Peach tree produces delicious yellow freestone fruit. The skin is yellow in color with a red blush. The flesh is also yellow with red near the pit. A sweet and very tasty, subacid, and very juicy yellow peach. A...
  • Burgundy Plum Tree

    Prunus salicina 'Burgundy' The Burgundy Plum tree produces fruits with red color skin and red color inside. The flesh is sweet, juicy, and very delicious. This low-chill variety is very popular, consistent, and reliable in mild winter climates like ...
  • Fantasia Nectarine Tree

    Prunus persica var. nucipersica The Fantasia Nectarine is a very delicious, sweet, tangy, and juicy yellow flesh nectarine. The skin is smooth, yellow with a red blush. Large size freestone firm fruit. Trees produce young and heavy in warm Winter climate...
  • Fuji Apple Tree

    Malus domestica 'fuji'

    The Fuji Apple tree produces sweet, crisp, and juicy fruits with red skin. They are medium to large in size and ripen in the Summer. Developed in Japan in the late 1930’s the...

  • Fuyu Jiro Persimmon Tree

    Diospyros kaki 'Fuyu' Buy a Fuyu Persimmon Tree and produce non-stringent, sweet, flat shape orange fruits. Eat when firm and crunchy or allow fruits to ripen soft, sweeter, and like juicy jelly inside. Fuyu persimmons are the most popular. Tre...
  • Gala Apple Tree

    Malus domestica 'gala' The Gala Apple is currently the most popular apple in the United States. Originating in New Zealand, the Gala Apple was named “the Royal Gala” in honor of it being the favorite of Queen ...
  • Granny Smith Apple Tree

    Malus domestica 'granny smith'

    Granny Smith Apple tree was discovered in 1868 as a seedling by “Granny” Anne Smith of Ryde, New South Wales. The Granny Smith Apples are known for their vibrant green skin...

  • Hachiya Persimmon Tree (Diospyros)

    Diospyros kaki The Hachiya Persimmon tree produces large size, heart shaped fruits with deep orange color skin. This is the most popular astringent persimmon. Harvest when firm, store indoors and eat when soft, juicy, and ripe. The flesh...
  • Long Beach Peach Tree

    The Long Beach peach tree produces yellow flesh peach for mild Winter climates that are sweet, juicy, and delicious. Red over yellow skin, freestone with firm flesh. Ripens late May to early June. 200 hours. Self-fruitful....
  • Pakistan Red Mulberry Tree

    The Pakistan/Afghanistan Red Mulberry tree produces uniquely long (3-4 inch) fruit with an incredible flavor. It is very juicy, sweet and delicious when ripe. Trees are vigorous and grow large, providing lots of shade. Har...
  • Pakistan White Mulberry Tree ‘Saharanpur’

    Morus alba 'pakistan / afghanistan white' The Pakistan White Mulberry tree produces very long (3-4 inch), greenish yellow fruits that are very sweet and delicious. The fruit is slightly less juicy than the Red Mulberry, but just as sweet. It has a flavor that is r...
  • Persian Mulberry Tree (ShahToot) – شاه توت

    Morus Nigra 'Shah Toot' Persian Mulberry tree, also known as the ShahToot,  produces very delicious, dark red, wide, juicy fruit with a very pleasant sour and sweet flavor when ripe. The fruit itself turns almost into a black shade resembling a ...
  • Persian Sour Plum ‘Tabriz’ – Goje Sabz Tree

    Prunis salicina 'Persian' Our authentic Persian Plum tree from Tabriz, Iran produces a very popular sour green plum that is picked when the fruits are small and green. They are very delicious and eaten while sour and crunchy, often seasoned with sa...
  • Persian White Mulberry – (Toot – توت)

    Morus alba White Mulberry trees grown at Paradise Nursery originate from Iran. They are beautiful trees that produce abundant white, sweet and juicy fruits called toot (توت). They are very tasty, and can be eaten fresh off the tre...