How to Grow Cherry Trees in Los Angeles, California and even the Southern U.S

Learn how to grow Cherry trees to be successful and avoid common mistakes. To grow Cherry Trees in mild winter climates like Los Angeles, there are only a few low-chill varieties that can do well; the newest is self-pollinating. Minnie Royal and Royal Lee Cherry have been the go-to low-chill sweet varieties that do flower when we have colder winters. However, getting the fruits to develop and riped fruit can be more difficult than other varieties. This is thought to be due to a quick change from cold to hot temperature shifts during the day. It is referred to as the burning of flowers, and cherry trees seem to be a bit less tolerant. Their leaves also tend to yellow or burn and go brown during heat waves when planted in the full. To compensate in home orchards we tend to look for places the tree will receive afternoon shade to protect it from the intense sunlight and heat. Many people plant them in the full sun and try to compensate by watering more frequently, however, if planted in afternoon shade the lower temperatures will result in not needing to water more frequently, and we find trees in hotter dry climates such as the San Fernando Valley or in West Hollywood compared to Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Santa Monica, Long Beach, And Malibu. All the cities near the coast have a marine layer that regulates the temperatures from becoming as hot as the other side of the mountains or the more flat and populated cities have larger heat island effects. In the home landscapes, the use of micro-climates such as the shade cast by a tree or large structure can be a great place to plant a cherry tree. Our Cherry Trees are grown as semi-dwarf so they do not grow very large and are great for home orchards or growers who like a high-density, compact orchard.