The Ligustrum Japonicum ‘Texanum’ is a shrub with the common name Wax Leaf Privet and is sometimes called Texas Privets. This cultivar of Ligustrum is most commonly used as a 6 – 12 foot tall evergreen hedge. Choose the height you want to maintain and cut the tips to keep from growing taller, this will cause the plant to grow denser and fuller. Privets are very easy to grow because they are durable, drought tolerant, and cold and disease resistant. A long-lived flexible plant adaptable to soil types.
They have beautiful creamy white color flowers blossoms that are fragrant for about 3 weeks of the year.
Its shiny green leaf is 1″ wide by 2 – 3 inches long.
The most common use is around 6 ft tall evergreen hedge. Waxy leaf 1″ wide by 2″ – 3″ long that is. Very durable, long-lived, flexible plant.
Many times this is used as a hedge plant. It has a fragrant white flower that attracts bees because their pollen blooms for about 3 weeks of the year.
It’s got great foliage and color tone. The bloom is a creamy white color and this beautiful bloom covers the plant in the Spring and Summer. However, you have to let it grow out enough to bloom. So if you keep it shaped very tight, it will not bloom nearly as much because you cut off the buds. It will get 10 – 12 feet max and will screen those property lines. It will screen the sides of buildings and the foliage is very dense.
It’s one of those classic hedge plants you really can’t go wrong with. Once it’s established it is really drought tolerant. It’s very disease resistant and a good plant to use for a hedge. It’s also very easy to grow and many people have great success with this plant as a hedge. Its adaptable to soil types and low and high sunlight conditions.
If you put them in a too tight of an area you will have over pruned. You end up with a lot of wood and half cut of leaves. This has to do with design and placement. Outer edge growth should be clean and full leaves.  30″-3 ft wide for this plant.
Pant about 3 feet on center. They will fill in with fill in the first year and become dense and taller over the next 2-3 years to reach the size most people will maintain.
This topiary used because its malleable and long-lived. Be careful not to over prune.
Drought tolerant, rarely will it dry. Deer tend to leave it along. Tolerates most soil – very durable and malleable. Can be used in many areas and ways, sun exposure, residential and commercial.