Pakistan Mulberry Tree pakistan mulberry tree
Pakistan Red Mulberry Tree from $65.00
Pakistan Mulberry Tree Information and Care The Pakistan Mulberry tree, also sometimes referred to as toot afghan or Afghanistan Mulberries. Native to the region of both countries, this tree grows large and produces an abundance of fruit. These types of mulberries are not only different in shape from the Persian Mulberries, but they also taste differently. What sets the Pakistani Mulberries apart is their unique shape as they are long length wise. The fruit is narrow and can grow up to four inches long. The color is a dark shade of red similar to the color of blackberries. However, taste wise they are completely different as these mulberries are incredibly juicy and sweet. The Pakistan Mulberry tree grows large and vigorously. However, prune to the desired height. Due to their strong root system, mulberry trees should be planted away from buildings or pipes as they can create structural damage. These resilient trees do very well in Southern California climate and produce an abundance of delicious fruit during the early Summer months. In recent years the popularity of Pakistan Mulberries has risen considerably. In fact, they are now available at some of the Southern California farmers markets or select Persian markets. While the fruit is absolutely delicious eaten fresh, it has also become a popular and sought after pie-filling favorite. In addition, Pakistan Mulberries are also used to create delicious sauces and preserves. Plant and grow Pakistani Mulberries in the full sun and in well-draining soil. Do not plant near building, walls, or sidewalks. Space about 15 -25 feet wide and tall. Water regularly until established. Discontinue water in the Winter while dormant. Harvest mulberries in the Summer. The fruit is ripe when color is reddish purple and juicy. How to Fertilize a Mulberry Tree Fertilize mulberry trees with manure and other organic fertilizers with higher phosphorus and potassium in the late Winter. Fertilizers like bone meal, humus, and flower and bloom fruit tree foods promote Spring blossoms and fruit production. Promote Springtime growth with nitrogen fertilizers such as blood meal. Tips when Pruning Mulberry Trees Trim in the Winter while dormant. Top the tips to reduce the height and encourage lower branches to grow. Remove any growth below the lowest main branches and the graft. Cut off dry twigs and growth going crossing towards the center. Do some thinning in the Summertime to direct the plant's energy. Remove excess fruits to help remaining fruit to develop larger. Pest Management Use an organic horticultural dormant spray like Neem oil in the Winter.
white pakistan mulberry tree
Pakistan White Mulberry Tree ‘Saharanpur’ from $65.00
The Pakistan White Mulberry tree is a vigorous and easy-to-grow tree that provides large amounts of delicious fruit and creates excellent shade. This tree thrives in full sun and requires plenty of space, as it can grow quite large. Planting it away from buildings and sidewalks helps prevent potential damage. Planting and Location Sunlight: Plant the tree in full sun for optimal growth and fruit production. Spacing: Ensure there is ample space away from buildings, sidewalks, and other structures to accommodate the tree’s size and prevent any damage as it grows. Soil: Plant in well-draining soil to avoid waterlogging and root rot. Watering Schedule Spring to Summer: Water regularly during the growing season to ensure healthy growth. Increase watering frequency during hot summer months to meet the tree’s needs. Fall: As the weather cools in the fall, reduce the frequency of irrigation. Winter Dormancy: Discontinue watering completely during the winter while the tree is dormant. Resume watering once the tree begins to leaf out in the spring. Fertilization Winter Fertilization: Apply organic fertilizers during the winter to support blossom development and fruit production. Spring and Summer Fertilization: Use organic growth fertilizers high in natural nitrogen during the spring and summer to provide essential nutrients and encourage healthy growth. Pruning Winter Pruning: Prune the tree in winter while it is dormant to manage its size and shape, ensuring it remains healthy and productive. Harvesting Tips Harvest Season: Expect to harvest fruit during the summer. Efficient Collection: Lay down a sheet under the tree and shake the branches of the mature tree to easily collect a large harvest of fruit. Important Care Tips Watering Frequency: Be sure to increase watering during hot summer months but reduce it during cooler seasons. Organic Fertilizer: Use organic fertilizers both for blossom production in winter and for growth during spring and summer. Pruning for Size Control: Regular pruning helps manage the tree’s large size and maintains its health.
persian mulberry tree shahtoot
Persian Mulberry Tree (ShahToot) - شاه توت from $65.00
Persian Red Mulberries, referred to as "ShahToot" in Persian, are highly regarded for their delicious taste. Often mistaken for blackberries due to their similar shape, these small, dark red berries are superior in flavor. The ripe fruit is soft, juicy, and offers a perfect balance of sweet and sour. Growth Habits and Tree Characteristics The Persian Red Mulberry tree has unique growth habits compared to other mulberry varieties. It grows large and upright but at a slower rate. Once mature, the tree can reach a height of 25-30 feet, with large heart-shaped leaves. It produces fruit over an extended period during the summer months, making it an excellent choice for continuous harvests. Root System: Be cautious when planting, as the tree has a strong root system that can potentially damage buildings or underground pipes. Cultural Significance and Availability ShahToot has been one of the most beloved Persian fruits for centuries. Outside of Iran, it was traditionally only available in Persian specialty stores. However, in recent years, non-Persians have discovered its uniqueness, and the fruit has become more widely available, especially at select farmers markets in Southern California during the summer. Culinary Uses of Persian Red Mulberries Persian Red Mulberries are incredibly versatile. They are delicious when consumed fresh and can also be used in various culinary applications, including: Preserves and Jams: The fruit’s sweet and sour flavor makes it ideal for making preserves and jams. Pie Filling: The juicy berries are perfect for adding rich flavor to pies. Syrups: The fruit can be used to create a delectable syrup for pancakes, crepes, and desserts. Unique Flavor Profile The fruit of the Persian Red Mulberry turns dark red, almost black, when fully ripe. The flavor is a delightful combination of sweet and sour, with the sweetness intensifying as the fruit ripens. This flavor profile sets it apart from other mulberries and berries like blackberries. Summary The Persian Red Mulberry, or ShahToot, is a slow-growing, upright tree that produces highly desirable, dark red to black fruit. Known for its exquisite sweet and sour flavor, it has become a favorite among both Persian and non-Persian fruit enthusiasts. With its long fruiting season and versatile culinary uses, it’s a treasured addition to any home garden or orchard.
white mulberry Persian White MulberryTree - (Toot - توت)
Persian White MulberryTree - (Toot - توت) from $65.00
The Persian White Mulberry tree is a large, deciduous tree known for providing excellent shade. Its size can be controlled with pruning to meet desired height, but it is best planted away from structures and paving due to its extensive root system. This tree is resilient and grows well in the California climate, making it a popular choice for home orchards and gardens. Growth and Spacing Spacing: White Mulberry trees can be planted as close as 10 feet apart if pruned to grow narrow. For a wider canopy, space trees 15-20 feet apart to allow them to develop a full, sprawling shape. Growth Rate: These trees grow quickly when planted in full sun, especially with regular deep watering during the growing season. Shade and Pruning: The tree’s natural size provides good shade, but regular pruning can manage its height and shape. Watering and Fertilization Watering: Provide deep watering during the spring and summer growing seasons to support vigorous growth. Fertilization: Fertilize regularly with organic fruit tree fertilizers to encourage healthy growth and a plentiful harvest. Harvest Time The harvest of Persian White Mulberry trees typically occurs from late spring through summer, providing fresh, delicious fruit throughout the warmer months.

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