Balang Tree Balang Tree
Balang Tree from $350.00
Balang Information The Balang (Citrus medica), belonging to the citrus family, is renowned for its large, yellow, pear-like fruit. What distinguishes the Balang from other citrus fruits is its thick rind, which is commonly used to make a flavorful jam. Both the fruit and its blossoms are highly aromatic, adding to the tree's appeal. This evergreen tree can grow tall, offering shade and ornamental beauty. In the regions of Gīlān and Māzandarān in Iran, the fruit’s rind is used to produce morabbā-ye bālang, a delicious jam made from the skin of the ripe fruit. This traditional jam is cherished for its sweet and slightly tangy flavor. Care Tips: Climate: Balang thrives in warm, Mediterranean-like climates and is particularly well-suited for USDA zones 9-11. It can tolerate mild frost but prefers hot summers for optimal growth and fruit production. Soil: The tree prefers well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral soil. Adding organic matter like compost will improve soil health and support the tree's growth. Watering: While drought-tolerant once established, Balang trees benefit from regular deep watering during dry spells, particularly in the fruiting season. Pruning: Prune the Balang tree lightly to manage its size and shape, encouraging air circulation and sunlight exposure for healthier growth. Removing dead or damaged branches helps to maintain the tree's vitality. Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for common citrus pests such as aphids, citrus scale, and spider mites. Regular inspection and the use of organic insecticidal soaps or neem oil can help control infestations. Fungal diseases like root rot may affect trees grown in poorly drained soils, so ensure proper drainage. Health Benefits: Like other citrus fruits, Balang contains vitamins and antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which supports immune function and skin health. The rind is also rich in dietary fiber, aiding digestion, and its essential oils have potential antimicrobial properties. Cultural Significance: Balang holds cultural importance in Persian cuisine, where it has been used for centuries to make morabbā-ye bālang. The fruit is considered a symbol of freshness and vitality, often featured in festive dishes and celebrations. Uses: Culinary: The rind of the Balang fruit is its most prized part, often candied or used in jams and marmalades, particularly in Middle Eastern and Persian cuisine. Morabbā-ye bālang is a delicacy often enjoyed with bread or as a sweet accompaniment to tea. The aromatic zest can also be used in desserts, sauces, or baked goods to infuse a citrusy fragrance and flavor. The fruit’s juice, though not as commonly used, can be added to beverages and marinades for its tangy twist. Aromatic Uses: The intense fragrance of Balang flowers and fruit has traditional uses in perfumery and aromatherapy. The blossoms can be distilled into essential oils, while the zest can be dried and added to potpourri.
honey mandarin
California Honey Mandarin Trees from $59.00
The Honey Mandarin tree is available in Standard, Semi-Dwarf, and Dwarf forms. The Semi-Dwarf and Standard trees grow with a single trunk that branches out into a canopy, while Dwarf varieties are topped low, resulting in a bush-like shape, which makes them great for growing in pots. Though citrus trees can grow over 20 feet tall, most gardeners prune them to maintain a height of 9–15 feet, making them an excellent choice for home gardens. For optimal growth, plant trees at least 9 feet apart, and provide more space if you prefer larger growth. How to Plant, Water, and Fertilize a Mandarin Tree Planting Sunlight: Plant your Honey Mandarin tree in full sun for the best growth and fruit production. Soil Requirements: Amend the soil with high-quality planting mix and fertilizer, ensuring the soil drains well. Watering Spring to Summer: Water newly planted trees twice per week during the warmer months. Fall to Winter: Reduce watering to once per week in cooler weather. In hotter climates or sandy soils, more frequent watering may be needed. Fertilization Spring and Summer Fertilization: Use a citrus fertilizer with a 2-1-1 NPK ratio during spring through summer to promote growth. Organic options like blood meal and manure are rich sources of nitrogen. Winter Fertilization: Apply fertilizers with higher phosphorus and potassium, such as bone meal or humus, in winter to encourage flowers and fruit development. Pest and Problem Management The Honey Mandarin tree is relatively pest-free and not highly attractive to birds or animals like squirrels, making it an easy-care option for home gardeners. Ideal Growing Regions This tree thrives in Southern California counties such as Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego.  
Cara-Cara-Orange Cara-Cara-Orange
Cara Cara Orange Tree from $59.00
The Cara Cara Orange has a small navel, a slightly oblong shape, and smooth skin without a blush. The tree is a prolific fruit producer, yielding oranges with deep pink, almost red flesh similar to a red grapefruit. The flavor is a unique blend of cherries, berries, and orange, making it particularly desirable. Cara Cara oranges are packed with high levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, both beneficial antioxidants that promote heart health and overall wellness. Harvest the fruit when they are firm, shiny, heavy, and emit a fragrant smell. Growing Conditions As an evergreen citrus tree, the Cara Cara Orange thrives in full sun. It performs best in well-draining soil. Regular watering is essential until the tree is fully established. Be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to problems like yellowing leaves or leaf drop, especially in container-grown trees. Fertilization Use organic citrus food fertilizers to nourish the Cara Cara Orange tree: Spring and Summer: Apply fertilizers with higher nitrogen content during the growing season to support active growth. Winter: Switch to fertilizers with higher phosphorus and potassium levels to encourage healthy root development and fruit production. Citrus tree fertilizers often include additional nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron to promote overall tree health. Pruning Prune the tree during the cooler months in winter, typically around January. In summer, thin the tree by removing spurs, suckers, and branches growing in undesirable directions. Be sure to remove any shoots from below the graft and branches that receive little sunlight in the center of the tree. Clear away dry fruit, twigs, and unnecessary branches to improve light penetration and airflow. Painting the trunk with white, water-based paint before the summer helps protect the tree from sun damage. Growth and Maintenance Without pruning, the Cara Cara Orange tree can grow up to 15 to 20 feet tall. Plant the tree in an area with full sun exposure and good drainage. Water consistently during dry periods or if grown in containers, but avoid overwatering to prevent issues like leaf yellowing or dropping.
dancy mandarin
Dancy Mandarin Tree from $59.00
Overview of the Dancy Mandarin/Tangerine Tree Dancy Mandarin trees are available in Standard, Semi-Dwarf, and Dwarf forms. The Semi-Dwarf and Standard varieties have a single trunk that branches out to form a canopy, while the Dwarf variety is topped low, resulting in a bush-like growth, making it ideal for pots. Although these citrus trees can grow over 20 feet tall, most gardeners prune them to keep them between 9 and 15 feet tall. For optimal growth, plant trees as close as 9 feet apart, allowing more space for larger growth. Dancy Mandarin trees are perfect for home gardens, serving as beautiful ornamentals while providing an abundance of fruit. Planting, Watering, and Fertilizing a Mandarin Citrus Tree Planting Sunlight: Plant Dancy Mandarin trees in full sun for best growth and fruit production. Soil: Use high-quality planting mix and fertilizer in well-draining soil. Watering Spring through Summer: Water newly planted mandarin trees twice per week. Fall and Winter: Reduce watering to once per week in cooler weather. Trees in hot climates or sandy soils may require more frequent watering. Fertilization Spring and Summer Fertilization: Use a citrus food fertilizer with a 2-1-1 NPK ratio during spring and summer to promote growth, as nitrogen is essential for healthy foliage. Organic Nitrogen Sources: Blood meal and manure are excellent organic sources of nitrogen. Winter Fertilization: Apply fertilizers with more phosphorus and potassium, such as humus or bone meal, in winter to support flowering and fruit production. Pest and Problem Management The Dancy Mandarin tree is relatively low-maintenance and less attractive to birds and animals like squirrels, making it an easy-care option for home gardeners. Ideal Growing Regions This tree thrives in the warm climates of Southern California, particularly in counties like Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego.
Eureka Lemon Tree Eureka lemons
Eureka Lemon Tree from $59.00
Overview of the Eureka Lemon Tree The Eureka Lemon Tree is a small evergreen tree known for producing the classic, tart lemons commonly found in grocery stores. It is a vigorous grower, producing fruit year-round, making it a favorite for home gardeners and commercial growers alike. Culinary Uses Lemons are highly versatile in the kitchen: Juice, Zest, and Pulp: Used in a wide variety of dishes from poultry, fish, and vegetable recipes to soups, sauces, and marinades. Baking and Beverages: Lemons are the star of lemon bars, cakes, pies, and lemon curd. They are also used in lemonade, cocktails, and the Italian liqueur, limoncello. Household and Cleaning Benefits Natural Cleaner: Lemon juice can be used to clean surfaces, cutting boards, and kitchen utensils. Air Freshener: Lemons can deodorize and freshen the air. Lemon peels are effective for making DIY cleaners and freshening garbage disposals. Health Benefits Lemons are rich in vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and antioxidants, supporting immune health and overall wellness. Drinking lemon water in the morning is a popular practice for many due to its refreshing and health-boosting properties. Landscaping and Aromatherapy Landscaping: With its glossy green leaves and fragrant white blossoms, the Eureka Lemon tree is both functional and ornamental. It provides shade, privacy, and beauty to gardens. Aromatherapy: Lemon oil is used for its mood-boosting and calming properties, as well as its antibacterial and antifungal benefits. Eureka Lemon Tree Care Tree Forms: The Eureka Lemon Tree is grown in Standard and Semi-Dwarf forms. Standard trees have a single trunk, while Semi-Dwarf trees grow more like a bush, making them easier to pick and suitable for pots. Size and Spacing: Although Eureka Lemon trees can grow over 20 feet tall, most are pruned to maintain a height of 9-15 feet. Plant trees 9-12 feet apart, providing more space for larger growth. Ideal Growing Regions: The tree thrives in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego Counties. How to Plant, Water, and Fertilize Planting: Plant your Eureka Lemon tree in full sun, in well-draining soil, and amend with high-quality planting mix and fertilizer. Watering: Water newly planted trees twice per week during the spring and summer. In cooler months (fall and winter), water once per week. Trees in hot climates or sandy soils may need more frequent watering. Fertilization: Use a citrus fertilizer with a 2-1-1 NPK ratio during spring through summer to promote growth. Organic nitrogen sources like blood meal and manure are beneficial. In winter, switch to a fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium, such as bone meal, to support flower and fruit production. Pest Resistance Due to their tart flavor, Eureka Lemons are less attractive to birds and animals like squirrels, making them easier to maintain in home gardens. History of the Eureka Lemon Tree The Eureka Lemon was introduced to Los Angeles in 1958 from seeds originating in Italy, but the lemon tree itself has a much longer history. Thought to have originated in Myanmar or Assam, India, lemons made their way through Persia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean before being introduced to the Americas by Columbus in 1492. Over the centuries, lemons have been prized for their medicinal, culinary, and decorative uses. From ancient Rome, where lemons were used as status symbols, to the British Royal Navy’s use of lemons to prevent scurvy, this fruit has played an essential role in various cultures throughout history.
Mexican Key Lime Tree key lime
Mexican Key Lime Tree from $59.00
The Key Lime tree is known for producing small, juicy, tart, and delicious fruits. These limes are often used in beverages like tequila shots or sliced and placed in the neck of a glass beer bottle. The tree is vigorous and prolific, with fruits that are harvested green and consumed when they turn yellow. Planting and Growing Conditions Sunlight: Thrives in full sun; requires at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Soil: Prefers well-draining, sandy loam soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0 to 7.5). Watering: Requires regular watering, especially during dry spells. Soil should be moist but not waterlogged. Temperature: Best suited for warm climates; sensitive to frost and should be protected or moved indoors in cooler regions. Care and Maintenance Fertilization: Use a balanced citrus fertilizer during the growing season to promote healthy growth and fruit production. Pruning: Prune in late winter or early spring to remove dead or crossing branches and to maintain shape. Pest Control: Monitor for common pests like aphids, scale insects, and citrus leaf miners. Employ appropriate organic or chemical treatments as needed. Harvesting Key Limes Timing: Fruits are typically harvested when green but can be left on the tree until they turn yellow for increased sweetness. Method: Gently twist and pull the fruit from the branch to avoid damaging the tree. Frequency: In optimal conditions, Key Lime trees can produce fruit year-round, with peak seasons in late summer to early fall. Culinary Uses of Key Lime Fruit Beverages: Enhances the flavor of cocktails, beers, and non-alcoholic drinks. Cooking and Baking: Essential ingredient in Key Lime pie, marinades, and dressings. Garnishes: Adds a fresh, citrusy touch to various dishes and desserts.
Meyer Lemon Tree Meyers Lemon tree fruits
Meyer Lemon Tree from $59.00
Meyer Lemon trees are more popular than the common Eureka lemon. This is likely due to their tart, slightly sweet, and very juicy flesh. The skin of the Meyer lemon is thinner and has a slightly orange hue. Tree Characteristics Officially known as the Improved Meyer Lemon tree, this hardy evergreen produces a bountiful harvest. It features dark green, glossy leaves, relatively few thorns, and small white flowers. This tree is highly valued for home gardens due to its aesthetic appeal and impressive fruit yield — even when young. Unique Qualities of Meyer Lemons Meyer lemons are smoother and rounder than traditional lemons, with fewer seeds and orange-tinted flesh. While still tart, they are slightly sweeter than Eureka lemons. The fragrance is a complex blend of sweet, spicy, floral notes, and a hint of bergamot. General Care Instructions Sunlight: Plant the Meyer Lemon tree in full sun, but take care if planting against a south-facing block wall or reflective surface, as this can stress the tree during heat waves. Spacing: Plant trees 10-15 feet apart. Provide more space for larger growth or plant closer for smaller trees. While the tree can grow over 20 feet tall, many people prune them to keep them at a manageable height of 9-15 feet. Tree Forms and Growing Habits Tree Forms: Meyer Lemon trees are available in Standard and Semi-Dwarf forms. The Semi-Dwarf and Standard trees have a single trunk and branch out to form a canopy. Dwarf Meyer Lemon Trees: Dwarf trees are topped to grow as a bush, making them ideal for pots and containers. They are prolific at a young age and can produce fruit nearly year-round. Origin and History The Meyer lemon tree is a hybrid native to China. It was introduced to the U.S. in 1908 by Frank N. Meyer, a USDA employee who traveled the world seeking new plants for introduction to the U.S. Meyer lemons gained widespread popularity thanks to Bay Area chef Alice Waters in the 1980s. Their popularity exploded in the 2000s after Martha Stewart introduced them to a wider audience, making them a common ingredient in recipes and a staple at farmers' markets.
Moro-Blood-Orange Moro-Blood-Oranges-with-leaves
Moro Blood Orange Tree from $59.00
Moro Blood Orange Tree The Moro Blood orange tree is either native to the southern Mediterranean in Sicily, Italy or China. Marmalade and zest for baking are made from blood oranges. Make a winter salad mixed with sliced bulb fennel and olive oil. Blood orange is also used to create gelato, sorbet, and soda's in Italy. It is also popular in vinaigrette-style dressings and to flavor some micro beers. Blood oranges are healthy, and a great source of vitamin C, like all citrus fruits. Also a valuable source of dietary fiber, calcium, thiamine, and folate. The distinct maroon color comes from anthocyanin pigments. These develop when temperatures are low during winter nights. Blood oranges grown in the United States are in season from December to March (Texas), and from November to May (California). Fruit Description: Moro Blood Oranges are renowned for their striking appearance. Blood oranges are medium in size and with a distinctive crimson interior that gets its color from the presence of anthocyanin pigments. The flavor is a perfect balance of sweet and tart, making it a culinary delight. Tree Description: Moro Blood Orange trees are evergreen citrus trees with glossy, dark green leaves. They produce fragrant white flowers. The roots are fibrous, anchoring the tree securely. The bark is smooth and brown, providing an attractive contrast to the vibrant foliage. Uses: Moro Blood Oranges are not only a visual delight but also a culinary treasure. Their juicy, flavorful fruit is perfect for fresh consumption, juicing, or adding a zesty touch to dishes. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, they are both delicious and nutritious. History: The Moro Blood Orange has a long history, believed to originate in the Mediterranean region, specifically Sicily. Over the years, it has become a symbol of quality and excellence. This unique variety remains integral to culinary traditions, adding its distinct flavor and color to a variety of dishes.
Persian Bearss Lime Tree Green Lime
Persian Bearss Lime Tree from $59.00
Bearss lime trees are evergreen, fast-growing citrus trees that originated around 1895. The variety was likely a seedling discovered by nurseryman J.T. Bearss. These trees produce Persian limes, which are larger than Mexican limes, typically around 2.5 inches in diameter. One of the key benefits of Bearss lime trees is their ability to produce fruit all year round. Growth and Size Tree Height: Standard Bearss lime trees grow to about 10-20 feet tall, depending on their location and care. Tree Width: They can spread between 5-10 feet wide, making them a suitable option for a variety of planting environments. Compact Planting: In home orchards, you can plant trees closer together to create a more compact and high-density orchard. Trees should generally be planted 10-15 feet apart to allow for adequate growth. Planting Considerations Location: Plant lime trees near walls that separate neighbors or close to the kitchen for easy access to fresh fruit. Root System: Bearss lime trees do not have invasive roots, making them a safe choice to plant near structures without the risk of root damage.
Satsuma Mandarin Tree Owari Satsuma Mandarin Tree Owari
Satsuma Mandarin Tree Owari from $59.00
Satsuma Mandarin / Tangerine Tree Information & Care Satsuma Mandarin trees are evergreen and grown in Standard and Semi-Dwarf forms. The Standard tree has a single trunk with a canopy that starts a few feet from the ground. Semi-dwarf trees are "topped" when young to promote their side branches to grow like a bush. Both are great for pots! Select a standard or semi-dwarf if you prefer a traditional umbrella shape tree. Select a semi-dwarf if you would like a shorter tree with a canopy close to the ground.   Although a citrus tree can grow over 20 feet tall, most prune to keep them short. Therefore, many grow mandarin trees 9 – 15 feet tall. When it comes to spacing, plant citrus trees as close as 9 feet apart. Provide more space to allow for larger growth. The mandarin tree is a great choice for the home garden. Its small size will serve as a beautiful ornamental, as well as provide many fruits. How To Plant, Water, and Fertilize A Mandarin Citrus Tree Plant a mandarin tree in the full sun. Amends with high-quality planting mix and fertilizer in soil that drains well. Water a newly planted mandarin tree twice per week during the Spring through Summer. Water once per week in the Fall and Winter, while the weather is cool. Consequently, trees in hot climates or sandy soils may need water more frequently. Spring is the most important time to fertilize a citrus tree. Use citrus food fertilizer with a 2-1-1 NPK ratio in the Spring through Summer. To promote growth, there is twice as much nitrogen to phosphorus and potassium. Blood meal and manure are great organic sources of Nitrogen. Use a fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium like bone meal fertilizer during the Winter to promote flowers and fruit. The mandarin tree has few pests and problems. They are less attractive to birds and animals like squirrels than deciduous fruits. The Satsuma mandarin tree does great in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego Counties.
Iranian Sour Orange Shiraz on tree for sale Sour Orange Tree - Naranj Shiraz - نارنج‎
Sour Orange Tree - Naranj Shiraz - نارنج‎ from $1,500.00
Citrus × aurantium, commonly known as Sour orange or Seville orange, is a hybrid citrus fruit resulting from the cross between a pomelo (Citrus maxima) and a mandarin (Citrus reticulata). This fruit is primarily known for its sour, bitter flavor and is widely used in cooking, traditional medicine, and essential oil production. Unlike sweet oranges, bitter oranges have a more astringent and aromatic quality. Key Characteristics Fruit Appearance: The fruit has a thick, rough, and orange-colored rind. The flesh is sour and bitter with a relatively high acidity. Tree Size: Citrus × aurantium trees can grow to around 20-30 feet tall and are typically evergreen. They have dark green, glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers. Flowers: The blossoms are highly fragrant and are often used to produce orange blossom water, a common ingredient in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. Uses of Citrus × aurantium Marmalade: The bitter, aromatic flavor of Seville oranges makes them the primary fruit used in making traditional marmalade. Culinary Uses: Bitter orange is used to flavor sauces, liqueurs (such as Curaçao and Triple Sec), and as a spice in Middle Eastern dishes. Medicinal Uses: Bitter orange is used in traditional medicine to aid digestion, treat colds, and as a weight-loss supplement (though care should be taken due to potential side effects from the compound synephrine). Perfumes and Essential Oils: The rind of the fruit is used to extract essential oils, which are often used in perfumes, cosmetics, and aromatherapy. The oil derived from the flowers is known as neroli oil and the oil from the leaves is called petitgrain. Growing Conditions Sunlight: Like other citrus trees, Citrus × aurantium requires full sun for optimal growth and fruit production. Soil: It prefers well-draining, sandy or loamy soils with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-7.0). Watering: Water the tree deeply and regularly during the growing season, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings to avoid root rot. Temperature: Bitter orange trees thrive in USDA hardiness zones 8-11. They tolerate light frost but should be protected from extended cold periods. Harvesting Bitter oranges are typically harvested in winter and early spring. The fruit is ripe when the skin turns a bright orange, but they remain firm and slightly hard. Historical Significance Citrus × aurantium has been cultivated for centuries and is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia. It was brought to Europe and the Mediterranean region via trade routes and has since become a key component in European and Middle Eastern cuisine. Seville, Spain, is particularly famous for its cultivation of bitter oranges, which are used to make the renowned Seville orange marmalade.
Tango mandarin flesh Tango-Mandarin-Fruit
Tango Mandarin Tree from $159.00
Tango Mandarin Tree History The Tango mandarin tree is an offshoot of Honey Murcott and was irradiated in 1995 by the University of Riverside to get seedless fruit. Since its release in 2006, Tango has become a major variety grown in California by the largest growers in the State. Find Tango mandarin at farmers' markets and grocery stores in the United States, Europe, and Australia. Fruit Description An excellent and beautiful piece of fruit. 'Tango' fruit is medium-sized size about 2.5" inches in diameter, and the shape is like a flat sphere with the top and bottom squashed. Deep orange color with smooth skin and sweet, tangy, juicy, and delicious flesh fruits. Very easy to peel. Tango mandarin has 9 to 12 segments that are tender, juicy, and mostly seedless. The rind is thin, smooth, and orange in color. Tango Mandarin Tree Description The Tango mandarin tree can produce ripe fruits in Winter to Spring, usually around February to April in Southern California. Late January in most of California, and early December in the Desert. Fruit can be kept on the tree for 3 to 4 months. Therefore, it's a very ornamental tree as well. They bear an abundant crop of fruits for the size of the tree. So start to thin in August to prevent broken branches, and produce larger fruits. Therefore, the tree produces similar size crops every year. Planting Plant your tango mandarin tree as close as 6 to 9 feet apart each other. In commercial orchards, there are 20 feet between rows for equipment. However, leave much less space between rows in home orchards. Trees are mature at 10-15 feet tall. In other words, a very small tree. They are also self-fertile with no pollinator requirement. Cold hardy to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Mandarin trees are less cold-hardy than orange trees. Buy Tango mandarin trees in-store or online, and then schedule for delivery by truck or pick-up in Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California at your convenience. Our trees are available in 5-gallon, 15-gallon, 25-gallon, and 36" boxes in Standard and Semi-dwarf forms.
Valencia oranges from Valencia orange trees for sale
Valencia Orange Tree from $59.00
Valencia oranges are one of the most popular orange varieties, known for their sweet, juicy flavor and vibrant color. They are prized for making juice and are often referred to as the "summer orange" because they ripen later than other varieties. The fruit is typically medium to large, with a thin, smooth skin that turns a bright orange when fully ripe. Valencia oranges are nearly seedless and have a high juice content, making them ideal for both fresh eating and juicing. Growth and Planting Conditions Sunlight: Valencia Orange trees require full sun to thrive. Make sure to plant them in a location where they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. Soil: These trees prefer well-draining, sandy or loamy soil. Ensure that the soil is slightly acidic to neutral with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. Temperature: Valencia Orange trees grow best in warm climates. They are suitable for USDA Zones 9-11 and need protection from frost. In colder regions, growing them in containers allows you to bring them indoors during winter. Spacing: When planting Valencia Orange trees, space them about 12-15 feet apart to allow for proper air circulation and root growth. Watering and Irrigation Watering Schedule: Regular watering is essential, especially during the first few years after planting. Water the tree deeply about once a week, ensuring the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Summer Watering: Increase the frequency of watering during hot, dry periods, especially when the tree is fruiting. In hotter climates, watering 2-3 times a week may be necessary. Mulching: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain soil moisture and prevent weeds. Make sure the mulch doesn’t touch the trunk to avoid rot. Fertilization Fertilizer Type: Use a citrus-specific fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio, such as 6-4-6, during the growing season. Application: Fertilize the tree 3-4 times a year, starting in early spring and continuing through summer. Be sure to include micronutrients like magnesium, zinc, and iron to support healthy foliage and fruit production. Organic Options: For a natural approach, organic fertilizers like compost and manure can provide the nutrients needed for steady growth. Pruning Timing: Prune Valencia Orange trees in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Method: Remove any dead, diseased, or crossing branches to improve air circulation and allow sunlight to penetrate the canopy. This helps prevent disease and promotes healthy fruit production. Shaping: Prune to maintain a manageable size and shape, especially if you are growing the tree in a container. Pest and Disease Control Common Pests: Watch for common citrus pests such as aphids, spider mites, and citrus leaf miners. Treat infestations with neem oil or organic insecticidal soap. Disease Prevention: Prevent fungal diseases like root rot by ensuring proper drainage. Keep the tree well-pruned to allow for good airflow around the branches and leaves. Harvesting and Fruit Characteristics Harvest Time: Valencia oranges ripen later than other citrus varieties, usually in late spring to summer. The fruit may stay on the tree for several months without losing quality, which allows for an extended harvest. Ripeness Indicators: Valencia oranges develop their full sweetness when left on the tree until fully ripe. The fruit should have a deep orange color and feel firm to the touch. Usage: These oranges are excellent for juicing due to their high juice content, but they are also great for eating fresh. History of Valencia Oranges Valencia oranges were developed in the mid-19th century by American agronomist William Wolfskill in Southern California. He named the variety after Valencia, Spain, a region known for its sweet oranges. The Valencia orange quickly became the preferred variety for juice production due to its high juice content, fewer seeds, and superior flavor. Today, it remains one of the most important commercial orange varieties globally, especially in juice production.
Washington navel orange fruits Washington Navel Orange Tree
Washington Navel Orange Tree from $59.00
The Washington navel orange tree (Citrus sinensis) is a popular variety of sweet orange known for its seedless and easy-to-peel fruit. It's one of the most widely grown and consumed orange varieties in the world. Here are some key characteristics and information about the Washington navel orange tree: Origin: The Washington navel orange originated in Brazil in the early 19th century. It was later introduced to the United States, specifically to Riverside, California, in 1870. Fruit Characteristics: Seedless: One of the defining characteristics of the Washington navel orange is that it is almost entirely seedless, making it a favored choice for eating out of hand. Easy to Peel: The fruit is also known for being easy to peel, which is convenient for consumption. Tree Characteristics: Growth Habit: The Washington navel orange tree is typically a medium-sized tree with a rounded canopy. Leaves: The leaves are glossy, oval-shaped, and dark green in color. Climate and Growing Conditions: Climate: These trees thrive in subtropical to Mediterranean climates. They prefer mild, frost-free winters and warm, dry summers. Soil: They do well in well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH level. Cultivation: Propagation: They can be propagated from seeds, but for consistent fruit quality, it's better to use grafting techniques. Spacing: Trees should be planted about 10 to 15 feet apart. Harvesting: Washington navel oranges are typically harvested in the late fall through early spring months, depending on the specific climate and growing conditions. Common Uses: These oranges are primarily eaten fresh, either on their own or in salads and desserts. They are also used for making juices and jams due to their sweet and flavorful juice. Pests and Diseases: Like all citrus trees, the Washington navel orange tree can be susceptible to pests like aphids, scale insects, and citrus leafminer. Diseases like citrus canker and greening can also be problematic. Popular Varieties: Besides the Washington navel, there are other types of navel oranges, such as the Cara Cara navel and the Late navel. Commercial Importance: Washington navel oranges are a major commercial crop in many citrus-growing regions around the world, especially in California, USA.

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