Babcock Peach
Babcock Peach Tree from $55.00
Babcock Peach Tree Information and Care The Babcock Peach tree thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It is a deciduous tree, meaning it sheds its leaves in the fall and enters dormancy during winter. During this time, refrain from irrigating. Begin deep watering in spring as the tree awakens from dormancy, and increase the frequency during the hot summer months to support fruit development. Use organic fruit tree fertilizers to promote healthy growth and abundant fruit. Apply blossom and fruit fertilizer in the winter to encourage a bountiful bloom in spring. You may also apply manure in cool temperatures to enrich the soil. During the growing season in spring and summer, use an organic nitrogen-based fertilizer to support vigorous growth. Avoid fertilizing in the fall, as this is when the tree begins to reduce growth and prepare for dormancy. Pruning is an essential aspect of Babcock Peach tree care. In winter, prune to manage the size and shape of the tree, ensuring good air circulation and sunlight penetration. In summer, thin out excess fruits and spurs to prevent energy waste, which can result in smaller, lower-quality peaches. Harvesting: Babcock peaches are typically harvested in mid to late summer, depending on the climate. They should be picked when they are firm but yielding slightly to pressure. Peaches will continue to ripen after being picked. Pollination: Babcock Peach trees are self-pollinating, meaning they do not require another tree for cross-pollination. However, having more than one peach tree can increase overall fruit production. Chill Hours: Babcock peaches require about 250-300 chill hours (hours below 45°F) during winter to ensure proper fruit set. This makes them suitable for regions with mild winters. Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for common peach tree pests like aphids, peach tree borers, and fungal issues such as peach leaf curl. Applying organic pest control methods and ensuring proper pruning will help keep the tree healthy.
bonita peach
Bonita Peach Tree from $129.00
The Bonita Peach tree is a woody, deciduous tree with long green leaves. It is easy to grow and available in Dwarf, Semi-Dwarf, and Standard forms, making it suitable for different garden sizes. Sun Exposure and Size Sunlight: Plant the peach tree in full sun for optimal growth and fruit production. Size: The tree can grow between 15 to 20 feet tall but can be pruned to stay between 8 to 15 feet tall. If you prefer a wider tree, allow for more space when planting. Spacing: When planting multiple trees, space them 8-10 feet apart. Provide more space if you want the tree to grow wider. Watering Instructions Spring: Water new trees regularly, about 1-2 times per week during the spring growing season. Summer: Increase watering to 2-3 times per week during the hot summer months. Fall: As the weather cools, reduce irrigation to once per week. Winter Dormancy: Discontinue watering entirely during the winter when the tree is dormant. Fertilization Spring Fertilization: Apply a balanced organic fertilizer with a 1-1-1 or 2-1-1 NPK ratio (e.g., 5-5-5 or 6-3-3) in the spring to promote growth. Summer Fertilization: Reapply a growth formula fertilizer during the summer. Fall Fertilization: Avoid fertilizing in the fall to prevent weak growth. Instead, use a fertilizer with low nitrogen and higher phosphorus and potassium (e.g., 4-12-12 NPK ratio) to strengthen the tree for the next growing season. Additional Fertilization: In cooler climates, manure can be applied in winter for added nutrients. Pruning Winter Pruning: Prune the tree in winter while dormant. Cut the tip to prevent it from growing too tall and remove side branches that are crossing inward. Summer Thinning: Thin the tree during the summer to remove dry twigs, water sprouts, and excess fruits. This directs energy toward fruit production and overall tree health. Pest Management Winter Pest Control: Use dormant fruit tree spray or horticultural oil in the winter to manage pests. Animal Protection: Use an animal repellant and cover the tree with netting to protect the fruit during harvest season.
long beach peach
Long Beach Peach Tree from $95.00
Long Beach Peach Tree Information and Care The Long Beach Peach Tree is a deciduous fruit tree that sheds its leaves during the winter months and begins a fresh growth cycle in the spring. As spring arrives, the tree produces vibrant pink blossoms that add a beautiful, ornamental touch to the landscape. These blossoms eventually give way to an abundance of medium to large peaches by mid to late summer, offering a delicious harvest. The fruit is typically juicy with a sweet-tart flavor, making it ideal for fresh eating, baking, and preserving. Tree Size and Growth This peach tree can be managed at a compact size, ideal for smaller spaces or home orchards. With regular pruning, it can be kept under 10 feet tall and wide, which also makes it easier to care for and harvest. However, if left unpruned, the tree can grow larger, reaching up to 15 feet in height and spread. For optimal fruit production and ease of care, it’s recommended to maintain a manageable size through regular pruning. Watering and Irrigation As with most peach trees, the Long Beach Peach Tree requires regular watering, especially during the growing season. Here's how to care for your tree based on seasonal needs: Spring: As the tree begins to leaf out in the spring, start a consistent watering schedule. Water young trees weekly, ensuring the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged. Summer: During the hot summer months, especially in Mediterranean climates, increase the frequency of watering to 2-3 times a week. It’s essential to water deeply, allowing the moisture to penetrate the soil and reach the entire root system. Shallow watering can cause roots to remain near the surface, making the tree more susceptible to drought stress. Soil Considerations: The amount and frequency of watering depend on your soil type. In loamy or clay soils common in Mediterranean climates, ensure that the water drains well. If the soil is sandy or well-draining, you may need to water more frequently. Adding a layer of mulch around the tree’s base can help retain soil moisture and regulate soil temperature, promoting healthy root growth. Soil and Fertilization The Long Beach Peach Tree thrives in well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-7.0). It’s important to prepare the soil properly before planting by amending it with organic matter such as compost or aged manure. This helps improve soil structure and ensures that the tree's roots receive the nutrients they need. Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring, just as the tree begins to leaf out, to promote healthy growth and fruit production. A fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar works well. Reapply fertilizer in mid-summer if needed, but avoid fertilizing late in the season to prevent excessive new growth that could be damaged by cold weather. Pruning and Maintenance To maintain the health and productivity of the Long Beach Peach Tree, pruning is essential. Prune the tree in late winter or early spring while the tree is dormant. Remove any dead, damaged, or crossing branches to improve air circulation and sunlight penetration. This also helps prevent diseases like peach leaf curl and fungal infections. Pruning also allows you to shape the tree, controlling its height and width. For ease of harvesting and to encourage more fruit production, consider maintaining an open-center or vase shape, which allows sunlight to reach the inner branches. Pest and Disease Management While peach trees are generally hardy, they can be susceptible to pests such as aphids, peach tree borers, and scale insects. Regularly inspect your tree for signs of infestation and use organic insecticidal soap or neem oil as needed to control pests. Diseases such as peach leaf curl, brown rot, and powdery mildew can affect peach trees, particularly in humid or wet climates. To prevent fungal issues, prune the tree to improve airflow and avoid overhead watering. Applying a copper-based fungicide in early spring before bud break can also help prevent peach leaf curl. Harvesting Peaches from the Long Beach Peach Tree are typically ready to harvest by mid to late summer, depending on the local climate and growing conditions. The fruit is ready to pick when it is firm but slightly soft to the touch and develops a rich color. Harvest peaches gently to avoid bruising and enjoy them fresh or in your favorite recipes. Peaches can also be canned, frozen, or dried for later use.
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Red Baron peach tree
Red Baron Peach Tree $129.00
Flowering/fruiting. Large, juicy, firm, richly flavored yellow freestone fruit. Highly rated in taste tests. Showy double red blossoms. Long-time favorite in Southern California and Texas.
santa barbara peach
Santa Barbara Peach Tree from $65.00
Santa Barbara Peach Tree Information and Care The Santa Barbara Peach tree is beautiful, easy to grow, and great for home orchards. Finding the proper location, appropriate spacing, and sun exposure will ensure healthy growth and lots of fruit. Locations First of all, you want to plant your tree in the full sun and in well draining soils. The Santa Barbara Peach is a Winter deciduous tree, therefore it will shed all of its leaves annually. Due to there being no leaves, no supplemental water is needed during this time. Begin watering your trees once they leaf out in the Spring. Spacing Keep the Santa Barbara Peach tree relatively small by regularly pruning in the Winter. You may prune the tree to keep it about 10 feet tall and wide, but it will grow larger if allowed. Space trees a minimum of 10 feet apart in a home orchard setting for high-density planting. Peach Tree Fertilizer Use organic fruit tree fertilizers. Apply blossom fertilizer and fruit fertilizer in the Winter to increase Spring blossoms. Also, provide manure while the temperature is cool in the Winter or early Spring. Fruit tree growth fertilizer with organic nitrogen is great for the Spring and Summer growing season. Finally, do not fertilize in the Fall when trees are reducing in growth. Pruning Prune trees in the Winter to manage their size and shape. Summer thinning of fruits and spurs should be done to prevent waste of energy and smaller fruits.

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